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Check out the books published by Dr. Bruce Guckelberg.  Books to help you in your spiritual journey, in your quest to get closer to God and to be more like Jesus.

A Biblical Commentary on James: Wisdom in Action!


James is one of the most practical books of the Bible because he covers issues that are common to all people. Bruce Guckelberg develops the concept of God’s wisdom being necessary to meet the challenges of life. This commentary unfolds the meaning of each passage in a clear and concise manner, while not getting sidetracked on secondary issues. There are insights and applications for every section of the book that will help the reader apply the truths that James presents. This commentary can help you cope with the challenges life presents to you, through God’s wisdom and enrich you spiritually.

No Nonsense Discipleship: The Sermon On The Mount
  • ISBN-10: 1520651589

  • ISBN-13: 978-1520651583


“No Nonsense Discipleship: The Sermon on the Mount” is a challenge and call to the body of Christ to go back to the radical demands Jesus has for his disciples. There is no easy believe-ism for Jesus’ followers. Discipleship isn’t a recreational activity, hobby, part-time pursuit, or something that one does in her spare time. Being a disciple of Christ is about committing your whole life to following the Lord Jesus and living for his glory. Many books have been written on the Sermon on the Mount, so why another book on that topic? There are several reasons why I’ve chosen to write about Jesus’ Sermon. First, we live in an age where discipleship is being watered down, commitment seems to be decreasing, and church attendance is on the decline. I believe that the modern-day church needs to recapture Jesus’ no nonsense demands for discipleship.

Get Out of Jail Free: Breaking Out of Legalism!
  • ISBN-10: 1520579845

  • ISBN-13: 978-1520579849


Are you working hard at being good so that you can earn God’s love and acceptance? Are you finding that your spiritual experience is more of a burden than a joyful relationship with Christ? Legalism is the religion of man, which establishes a false set of criteria to measure spiritual maturity. The way out of the prison cell of legalism is to gain a proper understanding of sanctification and liberty. This resource identifies the red flags of legalism and helps you discover freedom and joy in living the Christian life.

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